Sunday, 2 August 2009

hey there Delliah...

hmmm not the best start...

I kinda picked a bad time to jump on the wagon...TOTM of course. I feel so hungry and have been craving chocolate which I'm afraid to say I gave into. I bought Hershey's with Almonds.

I think I found a good solution albeit too late - grapes. I hve always loved grapes. My nan used to take me to the local market and offer to buy me sweets, like a pic n mix but I would ask for my own bag of grapes. Strange child! I can remember sitting on the bus home eating them.

I think the sugar content is high so I will have to be careful. But they will be my 'go to' food for now. Pointed of course!

1 comment:

Tina xx said...

what a great idea. There are a lot less points in grapes than chocolate !! Good luck !!x